Friday, 15 January 2010

Ahimsa ( nonviolence, nonharming ) by Swami Shivananda

In the regeneration and divinisation of man, the first step is to eliminate his beastly nature. The predominant trait in beasts is cruelty. Therefore, wise sages prescribe Ahimsa (non-injury). This is the most effective master-method to counteract and eradicate completely the brutal, cruel Pasu-Svabhava (bestial nature) in man.

Practice of Ahimsa develops love. Ahimsa is another name for truth or love. Ahimsa is universal love. It is pure love. It is divine Prem. Where there is love, there you will find Ahimsa. Where there is Ahimsa, there you will find love and selfless service. They all go together.

The one message of all saints and prophets of all times and climes, is the message of love, of Ahimsa, of selfless service. Ahimsa is the noblest and best of traits that are found expressed in the daily life and activities of perfected souls. Ahimsa is the one means, not only to attain Salvation, but also to enjoy uninterrupted peace and bliss. Man attains peace by injuring no living creature.

There is one religion - the religion of love, of peace. There is one message, the message of Ahimsa. Ahimsa is a supreme duty of man.

Ahimsa, or refraining from causing pain to any living creature, is a distinctive quality emphasized by Indian ethics. Ahimsa or non-violence has been the central doctrine of Indian culture from the earliest days of its history. Ahimsa is a great spiritual force.


Ahimsa or non-injury, of course, implies non-killing. But, non-injury is not merely non-killing. In its comprehensive meaning, Ahimsa or non-injury means entire abstinence from causing any pain or harm whatsoever to any living creature, either by thought, word, or deed. Non-injury requires a harmless mind, mouth, and hand.

Ahimsa is not mere negative non-injury. It is positive, cosmic love. It is the development of a mental attitude in which hatred is replaced by love. Ahimsa is true sacrifice. Ahimsa is forgiveness. Ahimsa is Sakti (power). Ahimsa is true strength.


Only the ordinary people think that Ahimsa is not to hurt any living being physically. This is but the gross form of Ahimsa. The vow of Ahimsa is broken even by showing contempt towards another man, by entertaining unreasonable dislike for or prejudice towards anybody, by frowning at another man, by hating another man, by abusing another man, by speaking ill of others, by backbiting or vilifying, by harbouring thoughts of hatred, by uttering lies, or by ruining another man in any way whatsoever.

All harsh and rude speech is Himsa (violence or injury). Using harsh words to beggars, servants or inferiors is Himsa. Wounding the feelings of others by gesture, expression, tone of voice and unkind words is also Himsa. Slighting or showing deliberate discourtesy to a person before others is wanton Himsa. To approve of another's harsh actions is indirect Himsa. To fail to relieve another's pain, or even to neglect to go to the person in distress is a sort of Himsa. It is the sin of omission. Avoid strictly all forms of harshness, direct or indirect, positive or negative, immediate or delayed. Practice Ahimsa in its purest form and become divine. Ahimsa and Divinity are one.


If you practice Ahimsa, you should put up with insults, rebukes, criticisms and assaults also. You should never retaliate nor wish to offend anybody even under extreme provocation. You should not entertain any evil thought against anybody. You should not harbour anger. You should not curse. You should be prepared to lose joyfully even your life in the cause of Truth. The Ultimate Truth can be attained only through Ahimsa.

Ahimsa is the acme of bravery. Ahimsa is not possible without fearlessness. Non-violence cannot be practiced by weak persons. Ahimsa cannot be practiced by a man who is terribly afraid of death and has no power of resistance and endurance. It is a shield, not of the effeminate, but of the potent. Ahimsa is a quality of the strong. It is a weapon of the strong. When a man beats you with a stick, you should not entertain any thought of retaliation or any unkind feeling towards the tormentor. Ahimsa is the perfection of forgiveness.

Remember the noble actions of great sages of yore. Jayadeva, the author of Gita-Govinda, gave large and rich present to his enemies who cut off his hands, and obtained Mukti (liberation) for them through his sincere prayers. He said: "O my lord! Thou hast given Mukti to Thy enemies, Ravana and Kamsa. Why canst Thou not give Mukti to my enemies now ?" A saint or a sage possesses a magnanimous heart.

Pavahari Baba carried the bag of vessels and followed the thief saying: "O Thief Narayana! I never knew that You visited my cottage. Pray accept these things." The thief was quite astonished. He left off his evil habit from that very second and became a disciple of Pavahari Baba.

Remember the noble actions of saints like Jayadeva and Pavahari Baba, you will have to follow their principles and ideals.


When thoughts of revenge and hatred arise in the mind, try to control the physical body and speech first. Do not utter evil and harsh words. Do not censure. Do not try to injure others. If you succeed in this by practice for some months, the negative thoughts of revenge, having no scope for manifesting outside, will die by themselves. It is extremely difficult to control such thoughts from the very beginning without having recourse to control of the body and speech first.

First control your physical body. When a man beats you, keep quiet. Suppress your feelings. Follow the instructions of Jesus Christ in his Sermon On The Mount: "If a man beats you on one cheek, turn to him the other cheek also. If a man takes away your coat, give him your shirt also." This is very difficult in the beginning. The old Samskaras (impressions) of revenge, of "a tooth for a tooth", "tit for tat", "an eye for an eye", and "paying in the same coin" will all force you to retaliate. But you will have to wait cooly. Reflect and meditate. Do Vichara or right enquiry. The mind will become calm. The opponent who was very furious will also become calm, because he does not get any opposition from your side. He gets astonished and terrified also, because you stand like a sage. By and by, you will gain immense strength. Keep the ideal before you. Try to get at it, though with faltering steps at first. Have a clear-cut mental image of Ahimsa and its immeasurable advantages.

After controlling the body, control your speech. Make a strong determination, "I will not speak any harsh word to anybody from today". You may fail a hundred times. What does it matter ? You will slowly gain strength. Check the impulse of speech. Observe Mouna (silence). Practice Kshama or forgiveness. Say within yourself: "He is a baby-soul. He is ignorant, that is why he has done it. Let me excuse him this time. What do I gain by abusing him in return ?" Slowly give up Abhimana (ego-centred attachment). Abhimana is the root-cause of human sufferings.

Finally go to the thoughts and check the thought of injuring. Never even think of injuring anyone. One Self dwells in all. All are manifestations of One God. By injuring another, you injure your own Self. By serving another, you serve your own Self. Love all. Serve all. Hate none. Insult none. Injure none in thought, word and deed. Try to behold your own Self in all beings. This will promote Ahimsa.


If you are established in Ahimsa, you have attained all virtues. Ahimsa is the pivot. All virtues revolve around Ahimsa. Just as all footprints are accommodated in those of the elephant, so also do all religious and ethical rules become merged in the great vow of Ahimsa.

Ahimsa is soul-force. Hate melts in the presence of love. Hate dissolves in the presence of Ahimsa. There is no power greater than Ahimsa. The practice of Ahimsa develops will-power to a considerable degree. The practice of Ahimsa will make you fearless. He who practices Ahimsa with real faith, can move the whole world, can tame wild animals, can win the hearts of all, and can subdue his enemies. He can do and undo things. The power of Ahimsa is infinitely more wonderful and subtler than electricity or magnetism.

The law of Ahimsa is as much exact and precise as the law of gravitation or cohesion. You must know the correct way to apply it intelligently and with scientific accuracy. If you are able to apply it with exactitude and precision, you can work wonders. You can command the elements and Nature also.


The power of Ahimsa is greater than the power of the intellect. It is easy to develop the intellect, but it is difficult to purify and develop the heart. The practice of Ahimsa develops the heart in a wonderful manner.

He who practices Ahimsa develops strong will-power. In his presence, enmity ceases. In his presence, cobra and frog, cow and tiger, cat and rat, wolf and lamb, will all live together in terms of intimate friendship. In his presence, all hostilities are given up. The term 'hostilities are given up' means that all beings - men, animals, birds and poisonous creatures will approach the practitioner without fear and do no harm to him. Their hostile nature disappears in them in his presence. The rat and the cat, the snake and the mongoose, and other beings that are enemies of each other by nature, give up their hostile feelings in the presence of the Yogi who is established in Ahimsa. Lions and tigers can never do any harm to such a Yogi. Such a Yogi can give definite orders to lion and tigers. They will obey. This is Bhuta-Siddhi (mastery over the elements) obtainable by the practice of Ahimsa. The practice of Ahimsa will eventually culminate in the realization of unity and oneness of life, or Advaitic (non-dual) Consciousness. The Yogi then enjoys the highest peace, bliss and immortality.


Absolute Ahimsa is impossible. It is not possible to the most conscientious Sannyasin or monk. To practice that, you must avoid killing countless creatures while walking, sitting, eating, breathing, sleeping and drinking. You cannot find a single non-injurer in the world. You have to destroy life in order to live. It is physically impossible for you to obey the law of non-destruction of life, because the phagocytes of your blood also are destroying millions of dangerous intrusive spirilla, bacteria and germs.

According to one school of thought, if by the murder of a dacoit many lives are saved, it is not considered as Himsa. Ahimsa and Himsa are relative terms. Some say that one can defend oneself with instruments and use a little violence also when one is in danger; this is not considered to be Himsa. Westerners generally destroy their dear horses and dogs when they are in acute agony and when there is no way of relieving their sufferings. They wish that the soul should be immediately freed from the physical body. Motive is the chief factor that underlies everything.

A renunciate or monk should not defend himself and use violence even when his life is in jeopardy. To an ordinary man, Ahimsa should be the aim, but he will not fall from this principle if, out of sheer necessity and with no selfish aim, he takes recourse to Himsa occasionally. One should not give leniency to the mind in this respect. If you are lenient, the mind will always take the best advantage of you and goad you to do acts of violence. Give a rogue an inch, he will take an ell: the mind at once adapts this policy, if you give a long rope for its movement.

Ahimsa is never a policy. It is a sublime virtue. It is the fundamental quality of seekers after Truth. No Self-realization is possible without Ahimsa. It is through the practice of Ahimsa alone that you can cognize and reach the Supreme Self or Brahman. Those with whom it is a policy may fail many a time. They will be tempted to do violent acts also. On the contrary, those who strictly adhere to the vow of Ahimsa as a sacred creed or fundamentals cannon of Yoga, can never be duped into violence.


Ahimsa is a Mahavratam or "great universal vow". It should be practiced by all people of all countries. It does not concern the Hindus or Indians alone. Whoever wishes to realize the Truth must practice Ahimsa. You may encounter any amount of difficulties; you may sustain any amount of losses, but you must not give up the practice of Ahimsa. Trial and difficulties are bound to come in your way to test your strength. You should stand adamant. Then alone will your efforts be crowned with sanguine success.

There is a hidden power in Ahimsa which protects its practitioners. The invisible hand of God gives protection. There is no fear. What can pistols and swords do ?

Even now there are people who do not give the least pain to any living creature. They carry sugar and rice for distribution to ants in their holes. They do not use lights at night for fear of killing the small insects. They are very careful while walking in the streets, as they do not wish to trample upon small insects.

Blessed are these men. They will soon see God as they have very soft hearts.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Bliss Divine - Ahimsa (non-violenta ) de Swami Shivananda



In regenerarea si divinizarea omului, primul pas este eliminarea naturii lui de fiara.

Predominant in activitatile animalelor este cruzimea. De aceea marii intelepti recomanda Ahimsa (neranirea, non violenta). Aceasta este cea mai eficienta metoda de lupta impotriva brutalei si crudei naturi animalice in om, pina la eradicarea ei completa.

Practica Ahimsa dezvolta dragostea. Ahimsa este o alta denumire a Adevarului sau Dragostei. Ahimsa este dragoste universala. Dragoste pura. Prem divin. Acolo unde este dragosta, veti intilni Ahimsa. Acolo unde este Ahimsa, veti intilni dragoste si serviciu dezinteresat. Toate merg impreuna.

Mesajul tuturor sfintilor si profetilor din toate timpurile si de oriunde, este mesajul dragostei, al non-violentei, si al serviciului dezinteresat, voluntar, fara avantaje proprii. Ahimsa este cel mai bun si mai nobil lucru, ce isi gaseste expresie in activitatile vietii cotidiene ale sufletelor perfecte. Ahimsa este foarte importanta, nu numai pentru a dobindi Salvarea, dar si pentru a ne bucura de neintrerupta pace si fericire. Omul dobindeste pacea atunci cind nu face rau niciunei creaturi vii.

Exista o singura religie – religia iubirii, a pacii. Exista un singur mesaj – mesajul nonviolentei ( Ahimsa). Ahimsa este datoria suprema a omului.

Ahimsa, sau abtinerea de la producerea durerii oricarei fiinte vii, este o calitate distinctiva, evidentiata in etica indiana. Ahimsa sau nonviolenta, a reprezentat doctrina principala a culturii indiene, din cele mai vechi timpuri. Ahimsa este o mare forta spirituala.

Insemnatatea non-violentei Ahimsa

Ahimsa sau neranirea, desigur presupune ne-uciderea. Dar a nu rani nu inseamna doar a nu ucide. In sensul cel mai profund, Ahimsa inseamna totala abtinere de la a cauza oricefel de rana sau durere oricarei creaturi vii, fie cu gindul, vorba sau fapta. Non-violenta cere mintea, gura si mina non-violente.

Ahimsa nu este doar nonviolenta negativa. Este pozitiva, dragoste cosmica. Este dezvoltarea unei atitudini mentale in care ura este inlocuita cu dragostea. Ahimsa este adevarat sacrificiu. Ahimsa este iertare. Ahimsa este Sakti (putere). Ahimsa este reala tarie.

Forme subtile ale Himsa

Doar oamenii obisnuiti cred ca Ahimsa inseamna sa nu ranesti fizic creaturile vii.

Aceasta nu este decit forma grosiera, bruta a non-violentei Ahimsa. Legamintul Ahimsa este rupt chiar prin aratarea aversiunii fata de alt om, de intretinerea de neplaceri in defavoarea oricui, prin ura altuia, prin abuzarea altuia, prin vorbele rele fata de ceilalti, prin muscaturile pe la spate si perfiditate, prin intretinerea gindurilor de ura, prin rostirea de minciuni, sau prin ruinarea altui om in ori ce fel ar fi.

Toate vorbele ce ranesc ori nepoliticoase sint Himsa ( violenta sau prejudiciere). Rostirea de vorbe jignitoare catre cersetori, servitori ori inferiori este Himsa.

Ranirea simtamitelor altora prin gesturi, expresie, ton al vocii si vorbe lipsite de dragalasenie si respect este de asemeni Himsa. Injosirea sau dezaprecierea unei persoane in fata altora, este Himsa voita. Aprobarea actiunilor altuia, care ranesc este Himsa indirecta. Lipsa de compasiune fata de durerea altuia, sau chiar neglijenta de a merge la o persoana aflata in deznadejde sau durere este tot un fel de Himsa. Este pacatul omisiunii. Evitati in mod strict toate formele de ranire fizica sau verbala, directa sau indirecta, pozitiva sau negativa, cu efecte immediate sau intirziate. Practicati Ahimsa in forma sa pura si deveniti divini. Ahimsa si Divinitatea sint una.

Ahimsa, o calitate a celor puternici

Daca practici Ahimsa, trebuie sa renunti la insulte, critici sau atacuri de orice fel. Nu trebuie niciodata sa ofensezi sau macar sa ai dorinta de a ofensa pe cineva, fie si sub provocare extrema. Nu trebuie sa tii suparare. Trebuie sa fii pregatit sa pierzi cu bucurie chiar si viata, pentru cauza Adevarului. Adevarul Ultim poate fi obtinut doar prin Ahimsa.

Ahimsa este virful eroismului. Ahimsa nu este posibila decit in lipsa fricii. Non-violenta nu poate fi practicata de oamenii slabi. Ahimsa nu poate fi practicata de un om caruia ii este teribil de frica de moarte, si nu are putere sa reziste si sa indure.

Este o armura nu pentru cel rasfatat ci pentru cel potent. Ahimsa este o calitate a celui puternic. Este arma celui puternic. Atunci cind un om te bate cu un bat, nu trebuie sa intretii nici un gind de riposta ori vreun sentiment negentil fata de atacator. Ahimsa este perfectiunea iertarii.

Amintiti-va faptele nobile ale unui intelept de demult. Jayadeva, autorul Gita Govinda, a dat daruri multe si imbelsugate dusmanilor care i-au taiat miinile, si a obtinut Mukti ( eliberare ) pentru ei, prin rugaciunile sale sincere. El a spus :

O Doamne ! Tu ai dat Mukti dusmanilor tai, Ravana si Kamsa. De ce nu poti da Mukti acum dusmanilor mei? Un sfint sau un intelept poseda o inima mareata.

Pavahari Baba tinind o legatura de lucruri, urma un hot spunind : O hotule Narayana ! nu am stiut ca Tu mi-ai vizitat coliba. Te rog accepta aceste lucruri.

La care hotul a inmarmurit. El s-a lasat imediat de obiceiurile rele si a devenit un discipol al lui Pavahari Baba.

Amintiti-va de actiuni nobile ca ale sfintilor Jayadeva si Pavahari Baba, si urmati principiile si idealurile lor.

Practica treptata a Ahimsa

Cind gindurile de razbunare sau ura rasar in minte, incercati sa controlati corpul fizic si vorba mai intii. Sa nu rostiti nici un cuvint rau sau jignitor. Nu cenzurati. Nu incercati sa raniti pe ceilalti. Daca practicati cu succes astfel, pentru citeva luni, gindurile negative de razbunare, nu au nici un scop de manifestare exterioara, si in final vor muri de la sine. Este extrem de greu de controlat astfel de ginduri chiar de la inceput, fara un control al corpului si vorbei mai intii.

Intii controlati corpul fizic. Cind cineva va bate, pastrati linistea. Suprimati simtamintele. Urmati instructiunile lui Iisus Hristos in Predica de pe Munte : ,,daca un om va loveste pe un obraz, intoarceti-i si celalalt obraz, daca un om va ia haina, dati-i si camasa !’’ Acest lucru este foarte greu la inceput. Vechile Samskaras ( impresii) de razbunare de genul ,,dinte pentru dinte, ochi pentru ochi, plata cu aceeasi moneda, etc, ‘’ va vor forta sa ripostati. Dar va trebui sa asteptati cu calm si rabdare. Reflectati si meditati. Faceti Vichara sau analiza corecta. Mintea va deveni calma. Agresorul care era foarte furios, de asemeni va deveni calm, pentru ca el nu gaseste nici o opozitie din partea voastra. El va fi blocat si surprins, pentru ca stai asemeni unui intelept. Incetul cu incetul, veti dobindi o rezistenta imensa. Tineti idealurile in fata voastra. Incercati sa ajungeti la ele, desi cu pasi sovaielnici la inceput . Sa aveti o imagine transanta a Ahimsa si a avantajelor ei nenumarate.

Dupa controlul corpului, controlati vorba voastra. Faceti o determinare puternica : nu voi vorbi de rau si nu voi jigni nici un om de azi inainte.

Poate ca veti cadea de o suta de ori. Ce conteaza ? incetul cu incetul veti obtine taria. Controlati impulsul de a vorbi. Observati Mouna ( tacerea ). Practicati Kshama sau iertarea. Spunetu in sinea voastra : ,, este un sufletel. El este un ignorant si de aceea face ceea ce face. Am sa-l iert de data aceasta. Ce obtin daca in schimb abuzez si eu de el ? ‘’ Incet, abandonati Abhimana ( atasamentul egocentrist ). Abhimana este radacina cauzei suferintei umane.

In final ocupati-va de ginduri, si controlati gindurile despre a rani pe cineva. Niciodata sa nu ginditi macar sa raniti pe cineva. Un Sine locuieste in toate. Toate sint manifestatiile unui singur Dumnezeu. Prin ranirea altora, va raniti pe voi insiva. Iubiti tot. Deserviti tuturor. Nu uriti pe nimeni. Nu insultati pe nimeni. Nu raniti prin fapta, vorba sau gind. Incercati sa va identificati pe sine in toate fapturile. Aceasta va promova Ahimsa.

Beneficiile practicii Ahimsa

Daca esti stabilit in Ahimsa, ai dobindit toate virtutile. Ahimsa este axul. Toate virtutile se rotesc in jurul Ahimsa. Asa cum toate urmele se acomodeaza in cea a elefantului, tot asa, toate regulile etice religioase se intrunesc in marele legamint Ahimsa.

Ahimsa este forta sufletului. Ura se dizolva in prezenta Dragostei. Ura se dizolva in prezenta Ahimsa. Practica non-violentei dezvolta puterea vointei pina la un grad considerabil. Practica Ahimsa va va face temerari, fara frica. Cel care practica Ahimsa cu reala credinta, poate muta toata lumea, poate imblinzi animale salbatice, poate invinge inimile tuturor, si-i poate birui pe toti dusmanii. Puterea non-violentei, este infinit mai minunata si mai subtila decit electricitatea sau magnetismul.

Legea Ahimsa este o lege la fel de exacta si precisa, precum este gravitatia sau fortele de coeziune. Trebuie sa stiti modul corect de a o aplica, inteligent si cu precizie stiintifica. Daca o puteti aplica exact, cu mare precizie, puteti face minuni. Poti comanda elementelor si Naturii.

Puterea Ahimsa

Puterea non-violentei ( Ahimsa ) este mai mare decit puterea intelectului. Este usor de dezvoltat intelectul, dar este greu sa purificam si sa dezvoltam inima. Practica Ahimsa, va dezvolta inima intr-un mod minunat.

Cel care practica Ahimsa dezvolta forta vointei. In prezenta lui, dusmania inceteaza. In prezenta lui, cobra si broasca, pisica si soarecele, lupul si mielul, vaca si tigrul, vor trai cu totii impreuna, intr-o intima prietenie. In prezenta lui, toate ostilitatile inceteaza. Prin termenul ‘ostilitatile inceteaza ‘ inseamna ca toate creaturile- oameni, animale, pasari sau creaturi veninoase, se vor apropia de practicant fara frica, si nu ii vor face nici un rau. Natura lor ostila, dispare in prezenta lui. Soarecele si pisica, sarpele si mangusta, si alte creaturi care sint inamice una celeilalte in mod natural, abandoneaza simtamintele ostile in prezenta Yoghinului stabilit in Ahimsa. Leii si tigrii nu vor rani niciodata un astfel de Yoghin. Astfel de Yoghini, pot da ordine definite tigrului si leului. Ei se vor supune. Aceasta este Bhuta-Siddhi ( stapinirea peste elemente) , obtinuta prin practica Ahimsa. Practica non-violentei ( Ahimsa ) va culmina in realizarea unitatii si unicitatii vietii, sau Constiinta Advaita ( non-duala ).

Atunci, Yoghinul se bucura de pace suprema, fericire si nemurire.

Limitele in practica Ahimsa

Ahimsa absoluta este imposibila. Nu este posibila nici pentru cel mai constient Sannyasin sau monah. Pentru a practica aceasta, trebuie evitata uciderea nenumaratelor creaturi in timp ce mergeti, stati, mincati, beti, respirati, sau dormiti. Nu puteti intilni nici un practicant al non-violentei perfecte in lume. Trebuie sa distrugeti vieti, pentru a putea trai. Este in mod fizic imposibil, deoarece fagocitele din singele vostru distrug miliarde de intrusi, virusi, bacterii sau germeni.

Conform unor scoli ale gindurilor, prin uciderea unui raufacator multe vieti sint salvate, nu este considerata Himsa. Ahimsa si Himsa sint termini relative. Unii spun ca te poti apara cu ajutorul unor obiecte si folosi putina violenta, daca te afli in pericol, ceea ce nu este considerate Himsa. Occidentali in general, isi ucid animalele dragi, precum caii sau ciinii, cind ei sint in agonie acuta, si cind nu exista alta cale de a indeparta suferinta. Ei doresc ca acest suflet sa fie imediat eliberat din corpul fizic.

MOTIVUL este factorul principal care sta la baza tuturor.

Un om care a renuntat sau un monah, nu trebuie sa se apere, nici macar cind viata ii este in joc. Unui om obisnuit, Ahimsa trebuie sa-i fie telul, dar nu va cadea din acest principiu daca, in mod strict necesar, fara scopuri egoiste, personale, se foloseste ocazional de violenta ( Himsa ). Dar nu trebuie sa acordam indulgenta mintii in acest respect. Daca sinteti indulgenti, mintea se va folosi de cele mai bune avantaje, pentru a va impinge la acte de violenta. Da-i un deget si-ti va lua toata mina. Mintea se adapteaza dintr-o data, in felul acesta daca i se lasa sfoara lunga pentru miscarea ei.

Ahimsa nu este niciodata o politica. Este o virtute sublima. Este calitatea fundamentala a celor ce cauta Adevarul. Nici o realizare de sine, nu este posibila fara Ahimsa. Numai prin practica Ahimsa, puteti cunoaste si atinge Sinele Suprem sau Brahman. Cei pentru care este o politica, pot cadea dese ori. Ei sint tentati de asemeni sa faca acte violente. Dar din contra, cei care adera la legamintul Ahimsa, ca fiind regula de baza a Yoga, niciodata nu va recurge la violenta.

Un legamint universal

Ahimsa este Mahavratam sau marele legamint universal. Trebuie practicata de toti oamenii, din toate tarile. Nu ii priveste doar pe Hinduisti si pe Indieni. Oricine doreste sa realizeze Adevarul, trebuie sa prectice Ahimsa. Puteti numara o multime de greutati, puteti suferi pierderi mari, dar nu trebuie sa abandonati Ahimsa. Incercarile si greutatile sint menite sa vina in drumul vostru pentru a testa taria voastra. Trebuie sa ramineti precum diamantul. Doar atunci eforturile voastre vor fi incununate de succes.

Exista o forta ascunsa in Ahimsa, care ii protejeaza pe practicanti. Mina invizibila a lui Dumnezeu da protectie. Nu exista frica. Ce pot face sabiile sau pistoalele?

Chiar si acum, in zilele noastre, exista oameni care nu provoaca nici cea mai mica durere nici unei finite vii. Ei au mereu asupra lor zahar sau orez pisat, pe care le ofera furnicilor in gaurile lor. Ei nu folosesc lumini noaptea, de teama sa nu ucida micile insecte. Ei sint foarte atenti cind merg pe strada, nedorind sa calce peste mici insecte.

Binecuvintati fie acesti oameni ! foarte curind ei vor gasi pe Dumnezeu, cu asa inimi asa de blinde.

Friday, 8 January 2010


Am cautat cu toata fiinta mea sa te gasesc.Si-am trecut furtuna abisala ca sa ma pot cuibari in bratele tale.Am strans in sufletul meu atata patima,si-atatea lacrimi mi-au mangaiat obrajii.Nu am aer cand tu nu esti ,si trupul ma doare ingenuncheat de absenta ta.Clipele imi apleaca fruntea ganditoare si-mi cer socoteala gandurilor.Dar toate sunt cu tine...simturile si trairile mele nu-mi mai apartin.Ma-chin umbrei tale ca unei icoane facatoare de minuni,caci ea mi-a harazit clipa aceasta minunata,care se cheama IUBIRE.

Thursday, 7 January 2010


today i was like this sea..i don`t know why.
a lot questions run in my mind ...but i can not find the answer...
same time i feel that this life is a stupid game only.
my place is not my...
my heart is not my..
my life the same...
and now...i don`t exist...or may be i can not exist without you...i don`t know.