Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Adolescent Behavior Problems

Many adolescents today have problems and are getting into trouble. After all, there are a lot of pressures for kids to deal with among friends and family. For some youth, pressures include poverty, violence, parental problems, and gangs. Kids may also be concerned about significant issues such as religion, gender roles, values, or ethnicity. Some children are having difficulty dealing with past traumas they have experienced, like abuse. Parents and their teenagers are struggling between the youth's wanting independence while still needing parental guidance. Sometimes all these conflicts result in behavior problems.
Any number of isolated behavior problems can represent adolescent problems and delinquency-shoplifting, truancy, a fight in school, drug or alcohol ingestion. Sometimes, kids can't easily explain why they act the way they do. They may be just as confused about it as the adults, or they simply see delinquent behaviors as appropriate ways to deal with what they experience. Parents and loved ones may feel scared, angry, frustrated, or hopeless. They may feel guilty and wonder where they went wrong. All these feelings are normal, but it is important to understand that there is help available to troubled kids and their families.
What are the signs of trouble? Many adolescents get into trouble sometimes. A big question for parents (whether they be "traditional," single, step, or grand-parents), though, is how to know when a youth is headed for more serious problems, or when bad behavior is just "a kid being a kid." Try to focus on patterns rather than an isolated event. In other words, does the behavior happen repeatedly despite efforts to change it?
The patterns signaling the need for help include not only deviant behaviors by the adolescent, but also the presence of other problems in the family or tensions at home. For example, problems in the parents' marriage or frequent fighting or hostility among the family members can also be involved in the youth's behavior problems. The problem behaviors and other family issues can interact and feed off each other, so that it is hard to tell where it started.
Of course, there are also some obvious signs that indicate the need for immediate and effective intervention, including violence against other persons or animals, or when peers are involved in destructive processes (crime, truancy, drugs). Or, a parent may simply have an instinctive feeling that something serious is happening. An important first step to find out what is going on is to try to talk to the adolescent and other family members about what is happening, possible reasons, and potential solutions. Others who know the adolescent and family, like teachers or caregivers, may also be able to provide information about the youth's mood or behaviors outside of the home to help assess the severity of the problem.
Many factors put youth and families at risk for juvenile delinquency, though they do not necessarily cause delinquency. Such factors include youth attention and hyperactivity problems and learning disorders, volatile temperament, and even the early onset of puberty and sexual development. All these factors affect the way an adolescent feels and acts and also how peers, family, and society view the adolescent. Similarly, parental problems, such as depression, substance abuse, and domestic violence can interact negatively with a youth's developing path of delinquency. Rather than causing delinquency, factors such as these tend to place youth at increased risk, intensify the downward spiral, and in turn add to the difficulty in changing these processes for the better.
Once you have determined that you and your loved ones need help, there are many kinds of treatment that you should explore. First, there are popular group-based, residential, and "life-experiential" options, like survival camps, boot camps, and "scared straight" programs, which have had some limited success. Research indicates that the most effective treatments, even with very difficult youth, are programs and treatments that are family-based and multisystemic. That means treatment that involves the adolescent and his or her family, and that also addresses other aspects of their lives, such as the school sys-tem, the neighborhood, peers, juvenile justice system, and even employers. In other words, it is treatment that focuses on all the parts of the youth's life that shape how he or she views the world, emphasizing family and parental support.
Treatments that focus on the family can also be useful in helping adults develop their parenting skills, deal with stress, and work on marital relationships. Many parent aids have demonstrated promising positive results. Professionals, such as family therapists, are there to help the adolescent and family gain understanding of the relationship dynamics and background issues that may be influencing the problem, and come up with solutions.
The next section provides more ideas on how to start finding help for adolescent problems.

Parenting Teenagers: Systematic Training for Effective Parenting of Teens. By Don Dinkmeyer Jr., Gary McKay, Joyce McKay, and Don Dinkmeyer, Sr. Times Books (1998). This book explores the parenting of adolescents through the Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) program. It includes practical information to help encourage mutual respect, cooperation, responsibility, and self-reliance in teenagers. The authors discuss how parents can take care of themselves in times of stress, include real-life examples, and address married and single parents and stepparents.
Parenting Wisely. By FamilyWorks, Inc. This interactive multimedia program, which parents can use at home on a multimedia computer, is based on parenting research and helps parents improve their parenting skills. It addresses three main areas: how to communicate better using active listening and "I" messages; assertive discipline, including contracting, praise, and setting consequences; and supervision, or working with teachers, and monitoring homework and friends. The program features many types of families and different cultures. For more information on the program, contact FamilyWorks, Inc., 20 East Circle Drive, Suite 190, Athens, Ohio 45701-3751, or call (740) 593-9505.
Before It's Too Late: Why Some Kids Get Into Trouble-and What Parents Can Do About It. By Stanton Samenow. Times Books (1999). With the encouraging message that kids' behavioral problems can be corrected with proper intervention, this book offers useful insight into children's personalities, providing practical suggestions for changing bad behaviors and averting problems. The author discusses ways to recognize potential problems early, identifying common traits of antisocial children. It also teaches coping skills and introduces ways to help kids accept responsibility for their actions.

A Parent's Guide to Surviving the Teen Years

You've lived through 2 AM feedings, toddler temper tantrums, and the back-to-school blues. So why is the word "teenager" causing you so much anxiety?
When you consider that the teen years are a period of intense growth, not only physically but morally and intellectually, it's understandable that it's a time of confusion and upheaval for many families.
Despite some adults' negative perceptions about teens, they are often energetic, thoughtful, and idealistic, with a deep interest in what's fair and right. So, although it can be a period of conflict between parent and child, the teen years are also a time to help kids grow into the distinct individuals they will become.

Understanding the Teen Years

So when, exactly, does adolescence start? The message to send your kid is: Everybody's different. There are early bloomers, late arrivers, speedy developers, and slow-but-steady growers. In other words, there's a wide range of what's considered normal.
But it's important to make a (somewhat artificial) distinction between puberty and adolescence. Most of us think of puberty as the development of adult sexual characteristics: breasts, menstrual periods, pubic hair, and facial hair. These are certainly the most visible signs of impending adulthood, but kids who are showing physical changes (between the ages of 8 and 14 or so) can also be going through a bunch of changes that aren't readily seen from the outside. These are the changes of adolescence.
Many kids announce the onset of adolescence with a dramatic change in behavior around their parents. They're starting to separate from Mom and Dad and to become more independent. At the same time, kids this age are increasingly aware of how others, especially their peers, see them and are desperately trying to fit in.
Kids often start "trying on" different looks and identities, and they become acutely aware of how they differ from their peers, which can result in episodes of distress and conflict with parents.

Butting Heads

One of the common stereotypes of adolescence is the rebellious, wild teen continually at odds with Mom and Dad. Although it may be the case for some kids and this is a time of emotional ups and downs, that stereotype certainly is not representative of most teens.
But the primary goal of the teen years is to achieve independence. For this to occur, teens will start pulling away from their parents — especially the parent whom they're the closest to. This can come across as teens always seeming to have different opinions than their parents or not wanting to be around their parents in the same way they used to.
As teens mature, they start to think more abstractly and rationally. They're forming their moral code. And parents of teens may find that kids who previously had been willing to conform to please them will suddenly begin asserting themselves — and their opinions — strongly and rebelling against parental control.
You may need to look closely at how much room you give your teen to be an individual and ask yourself questions such as: "Am I a controlling parent?," "Do I listen to my child?," and "Do I allow my child's opinions and tastes to differ from my own?"

Tips for Parenting During the Teen Years

Looking for a roadmap to find your way through these years? Here are some tips:

Educate Yourself

Read books about teenagers. Think back on your own teen years. Remember your struggles with acne or your embarrassment at developing early — or late. Expect some mood changes in your typically sunny child, and be prepared for more conflict as he or she matures as an individual. Parents who know what's coming can cope with it better. And the more you know, the better you can prepare.

Talk to Your Child Early Enough

Talking about menstruation or wet dreams after they've already started means you're too late. Answer the early questions kids have about bodies, such as the differences between boys and girls and where babies come from. But don't overload them with information — just answer their questions.
You know your kids. You can hear when your child's starting to tell jokes about sex or when attention to personal appearance is increasing. This is a good time to jump in with your own questions such as:
  • Are you noticing any changes in your body?
  • Are you having any strange feelings?
  • Are you sad sometimes and don't know why?
A yearly physical exam is a great time to bring up these things. A doctor can tell your preadolescent — and you — what to expect in the next few years. An exam can serve as a jumping-off point for a good parent/child discussion. The later you wait to have this discussion, the more likely your child will be to form misconceptions or become embarrassed about or afraid of physical and emotional changes.
Furthermore, the earlier you open the lines of communication, the better chance you have of keeping them open through the teen years. Give your child books on puberty written for kids going through it. Share memories of your own adolescence. There's nothing like knowing that Mom or Dad went through it, too, to put a child more at ease.

Put Yourself in Your Child's Place

Practice empathy by helping your child understand that it's normal to be a bit concerned or self-conscious, and that it's OK to feel grown-up one minute and like a kid the next.

Pick Your Battles

If teenagers want to dye their hair, paint their fingernails black, or wear funky clothes, think twice before you object. Teens want to shock their parents and it's a lot better to let them do something temporary and harmless; leave the objections to things that really matter, like tobacco, drugs and alcohol.

Maintain Your Expectations

Teens will likely act unhappy with expectations their parents place on them. However, they usually understand and need to know that their parents care enough about them to expect certain things such as good grades, acceptable behavior, and adherence to the rules of the house. If parents have appropriate expectations, teens will likely try to meet them.

Inform Your Teen — and Stay Informed Yourself

The teen years often are a time of experimentation, and sometimes that experimentation includes risky behaviors. Don't avoid the subjects of sex, or drug, alcohol, and tobacco use; discussing these things openly with kids before they're exposed to them increases the chance that they'll act responsibly when the time comes.
Know your child's friends — and know their friends' parents. Regular communication between parents can go a long way toward creating a safe environment for all teens in a peer group. Parents can help each other keep track of the kids' activities without making the kids feel that they're being watched.

Know the Warning Signs

A certain amount of change may be normal during the teen years, but too drastic or long-lasting a switch in personality or behavior may signal real trouble — the kind that needs professional help. Watch for one or more of these warning signs:
  • extreme weight gain or loss
  • sleep problems
  • rapid, drastic changes in personality
  • sudden change in friends
  • skipping school continually
  • falling grades
  • talk or even jokes about suicide
  • signs of tobacco, alcohol, or drug use
  • run-ins with the law
Any other inappropriate behavior that lasts for more than 6 weeks can be a sign of underlying trouble, too. You may expect a glitch or two in your teen's behavior or grades during this time, but your A/B student shouldn't suddenly be failing, and your normally outgoing kid shouldn't suddenly become constantly withdrawn. Your doctor or a local counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist can help you find proper counseling.

Respect Kids' Privacy

Some parents, understandably, have a very hard time with this one. They may feel that anything their kids do is their business. But to help your teen become a young adult, you'll need to grant some privacy. If you notice warning signs of trouble, then you can invade your child's privacy until you get to the heart of the problem. But otherwise, it's a good idea to back off.
In other words, your teenager's room and phone calls should be private. You also shouldn't expect your teen to share all thoughts or activities with you at all times. Of course, for safety reasons, you should always know where teens are going, what they're doing, and with whom, but you don't need to know every detail. And you definitely shouldn't expect to be invited along!

Monitor What Kids See and Read

TV shows, magazines and books, the Internet — kids have access to tons of information. Be aware of what yours watch and read. Don't be afraid to set limits on the amount of time spent in front of the computer or the TV. Know what they're learning from the media and who they may be communicating with online.

Make Appropriate Rules

Bedtime for a teenager should be age appropriate, just as it was when your child was a baby. Reward your teen for being trustworthy. Does your child keep to a 10 PM curfew? Move it to 10:30 PM. And does a teen always have to go along on family outings? Decide what your expectations are, and don't be insulted when your growing child doesn't always want to be with you. Think back: You probably felt the same way about your mom and dad.

Will This Ever Be Over?

As kids progress through the teen years, you'll notice a slowing of the highs and lows of adolescence. And, eventually, they'll become independent, responsible, communicative young adults. So remember the motto of many parents with teens: We're going through this together, and we'll come out of it — together!
Reviewed by: Steven Dowshen, MD
Date reviewed: December 2007

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Despre VIATA

Traieste-ti viata ca si cum fiecare fapta a ta ar deveni lege universala. – Immanuel Kant

A venit toamna

Viata e la fel cum ai interpreta in public un solo de vioara, invatad stiinta instrumentului pe masura ce canti. – Samuel Butler

Cel mai bine si-a folosit viata cel care s-a bucurat cel mai mult de ea. – Samuel Butler

Viata este ceea ce ti se intampla in timp ce esti ocupat sa faci alte planuri. – John Lennon

Viata – o plimbare spre somn. – Lucian Blaga

Viata se masoare in functie de rapiditatea schimbarii, sccesiunea influentelor care modifica fiinta. – George Elliot

Viata este o instructie perpetua in cauza si efect. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Poti sa traiesti o suta de ani, daca renunti la toate acele lucruri care te fac sa-ti doresti sa traiesti atat. – Woody Allen

Doar viata pe care o traim pentru altii este o viata ce merita sa fie traita. – Albert Enstein

Constiinta vietii pretuieste mai mult decat viata. – F. M. Dostoievski

Invata a muri! Cine invata sa moara, nu stie sa mai fie rob. El este deasupra sau cel putin in afara oricarei impilari. – Seneca

Orice interes aratat fata de boala si moarte nu este decat alta expresie a interesului pentru viata. – Thomas Mann

Viata inseamna a transforma constant in lumina si in flacara tot ceea ce suntem si tot ce intalnim. – Friedrich Nietzsche

Esentiala este intrebuintarea vietii, nu durata sa. – Seneca

Viata este un dar pe care il meritam numai atunci cand il daruim. – Rabindranath Tagore

Viata cu adevarat traita este in trecut sau in viitor – prezentul este un interludiu..un straniu interludiu in care recurgem la trecut sau viitor ca sa ne slujeasca drept marturie ca traim. – Eugene O’Neill

Viata e o cuva cu moravuri lasate departe. – Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud
Viata este o tragedie atunci cand e privita in prim-plan si o comedie cand o privesti in plan larg. – Charlie Chaplin

Viata este un muzeu cu oameni de ceara care fug speriati de umbre, topindu-se. – Ionut Caragea

Poate ca n-am trait in propriul meu corp; poate ca am trait viata altora… viata mea este o viata facuta din toate vietile: vietile poetului. – Pablo Neruda

Viata e pretioasa. Viata e fragila. In clipa asta esti, in clipa urmatoare te-ai dus. Fiecare clipa trebuie stoarsa de tot ce se poate da, fiindca nu sti niciodata cand va cade cortina. – Sandra Brown

Viata are granite precise. Din cauza muncii si a vietii de zi cu zi atat de incarcate, acest adevar e adesea uitat. – Dean R. Koontz

Viata este unoeri foarte zgarcita: trec zile, saptamani, luni si ani fara sa simti nimic nou. Totusi, odata ce se deschide o usa, o adevarata avalansa patrunde prin spatiul deschis. Acum nu ai nimic, iar in clipa urmatoare ai mai mult decat poti accepta. – Paulo Coelho

Tu şi Toamna

Aceasta scurta viata pe care o aveti poate fi transformata intr-un paradis. Aceasta mica planeta este floarea de lotus a paradisului. – Osho

Viata este o curgere, este un fluviu, este o miscare continua. Dar oamenii au impresia ca ei insisi reprezinta ceva static. Numai obiectele sunt statice, numai moartea este incremenita; viata este o continua schimbare. Cu cat exista mai multa schimbare, cu atat viata este mai abundenta. Iar o viata abundenta aduce cu sine ectraordinare schimbari, clipa de clipa. – Osho

Viata nu iarta slabiciunea. – Adolf Hitler

Ironia suprema a vietii este ca nimeni nu scapa de ea in viata. – Robert Heinlein

Fa ce iubesti, iubeste ce faci, lasa lumii un loc mai bun si nu te scobi in nas. – Jeff Mallett

Viata e placuta. Moartea e listita. Tranzitia este problematica. – Isaac Asimov
Viata este ceva ce toti ar trebui sa incerce macar o data. – Henry J. Tillman

Viata e ceva ce ti se intampla atunci cand nu poti sa dormi. – Fran Lebowitz

Nu e adevarat ca viata este o nenorocire dupa alta; este o nenorocire continua. – Edna St. Vincent Millay

Viata e prea importanta ca sa o iei in serios. – Corky Siegel

Primul pas pe care trebuie sa il faci ca sa obtii tot ce vrei de la viata este asta: Hotaraste-te ce vrei. – Ben Stein

Tragedia vietii nu este ca se termina atat de repede, ci ca asteptam atat de mult sa o incepem. – W. M. Lewis

Traieste fiecare zi ca si cum ar fi ultima, pentru ca una din ele chiar va fi. – Jeremy Schwartz

Traieste ca si cum ai muri maine. Invata ca si cum ai trai vesnic. – Mahatma Ghandi

Scopul vietii este o viata de scopuri. – Robert Byrne

Fiecare zi pare prea scurta pentru toate gandurile pe care le gandesc, pentru toate plimbarile pe care vreau sa le fac, pentru toate cartile pe care vreau sa le citesc si pentru toti prietenii pe care vreau sa ii vad. – John Burroughs
Nu trai in trecut, nu visa la viitor, concentreaza-ti toate eforturile in prezent. – Buddha

Arta vietii? Rezerva, discretiune, cumpatare, in genere negatiune si, in rezumat, abnegatiune. – Titu Maiorescu

Cu mine se petrece ceva. O viata de om. – Marin Sorescu

Despre viata nu se poate scrie decat cu un toc inmuiat in lacrimi. – Emil Cioran
Viata si cu mine suntem doua linii paralele care ne intalnim la moarte. – Emil Cioran

Ca o piesa de teatru, asa este viata: nu intereseaza cat de mult a tinut, ci cat de frumos s-a desfasurat. – Seneca

Sunt doua feluri de a-ti trai viata: unul, de a crede ca nimic nu este un miracol; al doilea, ca si cand totul este un miracol. – Albert Einstein

Viata trebuie traita asa cum este, pentru ca nu s-a dat fara sa o cerem si ni se va lua fara sa fim intrebati. – Necunoscut

Cea mai inalta masura a alorii o dai de fapt in timpul confruntarilor la care te supune viata. – Necunoscut

Cand simti ca viata nu are niciun rost, gandeste-te la cei care mai au doar o zi de trait. – Necunoscut

Stiind ca vom muri, sa gasim aici un argument pentru a iubi si mai mult viata. – Octavian Paler

Poate ca viata a avut un sens cata vreme n-am tinut sa-i dau unul. – Octavian Paler

Pe Pamant, omul e dator sa traiasca numai viata. Moartea lui adevarata o va trai in cer. Daca incearca sa traiasca moartea pe pamant, pacatuieste si se mistuieste in deznadejde. Si atunci, nici nu traieste cu adevarat, nici nu moare. E ca un fel de strigoi. – Mircea Eliade

Chiar si omul care nu da nimic vietii pretinde de la viata totul. – Necunoscut

Viata este arta de a trage concluzii suficiente din premize insuficiente. – Samuel Butler

Ceea ce nu traim la timp, nu traim niciodata. – Octavian Paler

Nu trebuie sa ne intrebam cand vom muri, ci cum vom trai. – Joan Borysenko

In viata nu e important sa ai carti bune, ci sa le joci bine pe cele pe care le ai. – Josh Billings

Invata din ziua de ieri, traieste astazi si spera pentru maine. – Necunoscut

Viata poate fi inteleasa numai privind inapoi, dar trebuie traita privind inainte. – Soren Aabye Kierkegaard

Pastel de toamna

Pierzi in viata ani si la moarte cersesti o clipa. – Nicolae Iorga

Viata nu inseamna a trai, ci a sti pentru ce traiesti. – Nicolae Iorga

Orice viata, chiar si de cateva minute, are multe legi de urmat. – Jean Paul

Fiecare trebuie sa-si traiasca propria iata si sa plateasca propriul pret. – Oscar Wilde

In definitiv, nu anii din viata sunt cei care conteaza, ci viata din anii tai. – Abraham Lincoln

O zi este o eternitate in miniatura. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Adevarul e ca, de indata ce nu mai suntem nevoiti sa ne ingrijim de viata noastra, nu mai stim ce sa facem cu ea si irosim totul. – Andre Gide

Viata este o indelungata lectie de umilinta. – James Barrie

Oamenii se impart in doua categorii: cei care cauta sensul vietii fara sa-l gaseasca, si cei care l-au gasit fara sa-l caute. – Emil Cioran

Invata din greselile altora, nu poti trai destul pentru a le face pe toate. – Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

A-ti fi frica de dragoste inseamna a-ti fi frica de viata, iar cand iti este frica de viata esti pe trei sferturi mort. – Bertrand Russell

iata nu e sentimentala, nu e nici rea, nici buna. Viata e dreapta: recompenseaza pe cei merituosi, pedepseste pe cei lenesi, loveste pe cei care ii incalca legile. – Pavel Corut

Iubesti viata? Atunci nu risipi ca un nesabuit timpul, caci din timp este facuta viata! – Benjamin Franklin

Sa nu uiti ca orice asteptare e provizorie, chiar daca dureaza toata viata. – Octavian Paler

Trebuie sa stii cand se incheie o etapa din viata ta. Daca te incapatanezi sa ramai mai mult decat e necesar, pierzi bucuria de a trai si sensul vietii. – Paulo Coelho

Fiecare crede ca traieste pentru sine, da’ cand colo, omul traieste pe pamant ca sa faca viata indeobste mai buna! Iar pentru binele omenirii face sa traiesti o suta de ani, ba si mai mult. – Maxim Gorky

Ce este o viata frumoasa, prieteni, daca nu un gand din tinerete realizat in anii barbatiei. – Alfred de Vigny

Viata seamana cu o poveste, ceea ce importa nu e lungimea ei, ci valoarea ei. – Seneca

Mi-am masurat viata in lingurite de cafea. – Thomas Stearns Eliot

Viata este un stick de memorie in buzunarul meu. – Ionut Caragea

Viata este un spital in care oamenii te trateaza cu pastile de sictir. – Ionut Caragea

Cati oameni realizeaza in momentul visului, ca viseaza? Foarte putini sau aproape deloc. Majoritatea traiesc din plin realitatea acelui vis, precum traiesc la fel de plin realitatea celuilalt vis, care se numeste viata. – Sorin Cerin

Fiecare zi pare prea scurta pentru toate gandurile pe care le gandesc, pentru toate plimbarile pe care vreau sa le fac, pentru toate cartile pe care vreau sa le citesc si pentru toti prietenii pe care vreau sa ii vad. – John Burroughs

Scopul vietii este o viata de scopuri. – Robert Eugene Byrne

Bucura-te de viata, pentru ca iti da ocazia sa iubesti si sa muncesti si sa te joci si sa te uiti la stele. – Henry van Dyke

Viata e duelul Lui Dumnezeu cu diavolul, iar campul de batalie sunt eu. – F. M. Dostoievski

Viata este o tragedie pentru cel care simte si o comedie pentru cel care gandeste. – Jean de la Bruyere

Viata printre straini te invata cumpatarea, caci fiertura de orz si culcusul de paie sunt leacurile cele mai dulci impotriva foamei si a oboselii. – Democrit

In iata de intampla uneori accidente din care trebuie sa fii putin nebun ca sa scapi cu bine. – Andre Gide

Ce este viata decat un sir de nebunii inspirate, greutatea este sa le alegi pe cele demne de a fi facute. – George Bernard Shaw

Daca viata noastra are toate de ce-urile, atunci putem suporta aproape toate cum-urile. – Friedrich Nietzsche

Viata niciodata nu e dreapta, dar probabil ca asta e un lucru bun pentru foarte multi dintre noi. – Oscar Wilde

Cat traim, nu putem sti de la icneput ce e incheiat si ce nu. – Ileana Vulpescu
Cum sa pot admite ca eu nu sunt facut pentru viata, cand, in realitate, viata nu este facuta pentru mine. – Emil Cioran
Anda Calugareanu - Monosilab de toamna(George Bacovia)

Sunt momente in viata in care, oricum ti-ar obliga altii corpul sa stea, are aripi, se ridica deasupra tuturor mizeriilor. – Mariana Fulger

Fara picanteriile urii, viata ni s-ar parea, probabil, dietetica. – Vasile Ghica

Prin viata se poate trece oricum, si cu degetul in nas. – Vasile Ghica

Viata a aparut accidental, Dumnezeu a fugit de la locul accidentului. – Valeriu Butulescu

Daca o viata de om e prea scurta pentru a citi toate capodoperele, mai are sens sa scriem carti mediocre? – Valeriu Butulescu

Despre omul frumos

“Meditaţia este calea regală ce conduce la desăvârşire, la eliberare (MOKSHA).
Ea elimină orice suferinţă, orice mâhnire. Meditaţia conferă viziunea Unităţii şi percepţia directă a Unicităţii.“ Swami Sivananda
Vă îndemn la un exerciţiu de meditaţie. De ce? Pentru că sunt sigură că în orele petrecute în societatea asta care nu se mai opreşte şi dacă te opreşti eşti călcat de cei ce aleargă, nu ai timp de meditaţie şi nu ai timp să te gândeşti la frumosul ce-l poate oferi viaţa… E doar o chestie de perspectivă.

Frumosul. Mulţi l-ar defini ca fiind o plimbare în parc, ca fiind o petrecere dată cu prietenii sau poate chiar relaxarea în faţă televizorului (deşi nu v-o recomand. Dăunează! Şi asta grav.)

Dar nu ăsta era subiectul pe care eu îmi doream să-l dezbat cu voi.

Îmi doresc să vă împărtăşesc impresia mea despre anumite momente, fapte, ipostaze care pot constitui frumosul, care ne pot salva să nu ne scufundam în prăpastia morbidităţii urâtului.

Cum? E simplu. Încercaţi să vă opriţi din goana asta spre iluzia fericirii şi bucuraţi-vă sufletul cu lucruri mărunte însă ce au mai departe de structura lor aparentă o sensibilitate şi care emană o căldură pentru suflet.

Opreşte-te pe stradă. Analizează. Orice ţi se pare banal de fapt e esenţial pentru umanitate.

E un fel de exerciţiu. Meditează. Observă. Priveşte. Acordă ochilor tăi o imagine clară, nu una în fugă. Atinge. Simte, nu doar cu mâinile, ci şi cu sufletul. Acordă mai multă importanţă unor lucruri ce te pot face să te gândeşti la sens, la simplitate şi la ce înseamnă să fii frumos în interior. Pentru că asimilând, încărcându-te cu frumuseţile pe care viaţa le oferă, putem să ne păstrăm puritatea și candoarea sufletului. Însă noi le refuzăm de cele mai multe ori.

De noi depinde să ne păstrăm sufletul curat, să încercam să fim întotdeauna mai buni, să dăruim, să simţim la nivel sufletesc. Pentru că niciodată nu e îndeajuns să iubeşti, să dăruieşti, să trăieşti clipă de clipă, să îţi întăreşti credinţa şi să încerci să devii ceea ce ai fost, eşti şi vei fi mereu, o fiinţă umană. O ființă care gândeşte, simte şi care încearcă să nu piardă lupta cu viaţă, cu această societate. O ființă ce supravieţuieşte pentru a rămâne ceea ce este: UN OM FRUMOS.

Cu un dram de imaginaţie, cu răbdare şi ascultare putem să ne reinventăm sufletul. Redescoperindu-ne pe noi îi putem descoperi pe ceilalţi. Zâmbind îi putem face şi pe ceilalţi să zâmbească. Astfel încât la un moment dat să putem crea o lume după chipul şi asemănarea noastră. Să fim împăcaţi cu noi înşine pentru a face pace cu restul lumii, să nu ne agăţăm de cuvinte, să nu ne deranjeze gesturile, privirile celorlalţi, să ridicăm bariere pentru a putea comunica, indiferent de limbă, religie sau etnie. Suntem răspunzători pentru pacea din lăuntrul nostru.

Să descoperim în fiecare zi “Omul frumos” şi să descoperim în fiecare clipă “Cine suntem”!

Să nu ne lăsăm sculptaţi în viu de “noroaiele societaţii”, ne descătușăm, ne dezmorţim, iar cu ”ciocanul libertaţii” (vointă, motivatie, curaj) vom deveni iar liberi pentru ca sufletul să poată zburda din nou.

Monday, 8 November 2010

من سوف يموت ؟

الموت البطئ الذي مستعبد كعادة
 و تستمر كل يوم بنفس الطرق
الذي لا يتغير كحالة
الذي لا مخاطرة في بناء شئ جديد
الذي يتحدث مع الناس وهو لم يكن ان يعرف
الموت البطئ هو الذي يجعل التليفزيون كزيعمه
الموت البطئ هو الذي يتجنب العاطفة , الذين يفضلون الاسود علي الابيض  كالنقاط ال "أنا" بدلا من زوبعة من العواطف ، وتلك المشاعر التي يعلم عينين البريق إلى تنفس الصعداء وابتسامة من القلب ان الافراج المشاعر
الموت البطئ هو الذي لا يترك عمله عندما لم يكون سعيد فيه , الذي لا مخاطرة معينة لعدم اليقين لتحقيق هذا الحلم
 الذين لا يستطيعون حتى مرة واحدة في حياته يعصي المتستشار القانوني "مسؤول". يموت ببطء الذي لا السفر ، والذي لا يقرأ ، الذي لا يستمع إلى الموسيقى ، والذي لا يجد في نفسه نعمة
الموت البطئ الذي يقضي أيامه يشكو من الرحمة والسوء الحظ ، والمطر الذي لا يتوقف أبدا
الموت البطئ الذي يتخلي عن مشروع قبل أن يكون يبدأ ؛ و الذي لا يسأل عن الخوف من عدم الحلاقة والذين لا يستجيب حتى نعرف إذا كان هذا السؤال
نحن تفادي الموت في الصغر ، وتذكر دائما أن على قيد الحياة يتطلب جهدا أكبر بكثير من مجرد التنفس. فقط من الصبر سوف يؤدي إلى حرق قهر السعادة الرائعة.
 كل شيء يعتمد على كيف نعيش
واذا ستكون ساخن كأكثر سخونة من حرارة الشمس
إذا كان الخداع ، والخداع معدتك
إذا كان لديك في البكاء ، يبكي من الفرح.
إذا كان لديك على الكذب ، والكذب عن عمرك.
 إذا كان لديك لسرقة ، سرقة قبلة.
إذا كان لديك لتخسر ، وتفقد خوفك.
إذا كان لديك لتشعر بالجوع ، الشعور بالجوع للحب.
إذا كنت تريد أن تكون سعيدا ، تريد كل يوم

cine moare?

Moare cate putin cine se transforma in sclavul
obisnuintei, urmand in fiecare zi aceleasi traiectorii;
cine nu-si schimba existenta;
cine nu risca sa construiasca ceva nou
cine nu vorbeste cu oamenii pe care nu-i cunoaste.

Moare cate putin cine-si face din televiziune un guru.
Moare cate putin cine evita pasiunea,
cine prefera negrul pe alb si punctele pe "i" in locul unui vartej de emotii,
acele emotii care invata ochii sa straluceasca,
oftatul sa surada si care elibereaza sentimentele inimii.

Moare cate putin cine nu pleaca atunci cand este
nefericit in lucrul sau;
cine nu risca certul pentru incert pentru a-si indeplini un vis;
cine nu-si permite macar o data in viata sa nu asculte sfaturile "responsabile".
Moare cate putin cine nu calatoreste;
cine nu citeste; cine nu asculta muzica; cine nu cauta harul din el insusi.

Moare cate putin cine-si distruge dragostea; cine nu se lasa ajutat
Moare cate putin cine-si petrece zilele plangandu-si de mila si
detestand ploaia care nu mai inceteaza.
Moare cate putin cine abandoneaza un proiect inainte de a-l fi inceput;
cine nu intreaba de frica sa nu se faca de ras si cine nu raspunde chiar daca
cunoaste intrebarea.
Evitam moartea cate putin, amintindu-ne
intotdeauna ca "a fi viu" cere un efort mult mai mare decat simplul
fapt de a respira.
Doar rabdarea cuminte ne va face sa cucerim o fericire splendida.
Totul depinde de cum o traim..

Daca va fi sa te infierbanti, infierbanta-te la soare
Daca va fi sa inseli,inseala-ti stomacul.
Daca va fi sa plangi, plange de bucurie.
Daca va fi sa minti, minte in privinta varstei tale.
Daca va fi sa furi, fura o sarutare.
Daca va fi sa pierzi, pierde-ti frica. Daca va fi sa simti foame, simte foame de iubire.
Daca va fi sa doresti sa fii fericit, doreste-ti in fiecare zi...

who will die?????????

Dies slowly who enslaved habit
, following the same routes each day; 
Who does not change existing; 
who does not risk to build something new 
 who does not speak with people whom he do not know.
 Dies slowly  who makes at the television his guru. 
 Dies slowly who avoid a passion,who prefer black on white and the points "i" instead of a whirlwind of emotions,those emotions that teaches eyes shineto smile and sigh of the heart that release feelings.
Dies slowly  who does not leave whenhe is unhappy at his work;who is not certain risk for uncertainty, to fulfill a dream; 

who can not afford even one time in his life disobey counsel "responsible". dies slowly who does not travel;who does not read, who does not listen to music, who does not find grace in himself.
Dies slowly who destroys love, who does not let it helped 

Dies slowly  who spends his days complaining of mercy and bad luck, the rain that never stops
 Dies slowly who abandons a project before to have started;who does not ask for fear of not shaving and who do not respond even ifknow the question. 
We avoid death in small, rememberingalways that being alive requires an effort far greater than merefact of breathing.Only a burning patience will lead to conquer a splendid happiness.
 Everything depends on how we live ..
If you will be hotter, hotter up the sun

 If it was cheating, cheating your stomach
 If you have to cry, cries of joy. 
If you have to lie, lying about your age.
 If you have to steal, steal a kiss. 
If you have to lose, lose your fear.
If you have to feel hungry, feeling hungry for love. 
If you want to be happy, to  want every day ...

Saturday, 30 October 2010

A fi puternic ...

A fi puternic , inseamna a iubi pe cineva in tacere ...
A fi puternic inseamna sa radiezi de fericire atunci cand esti trist .. 

A fi puternic inseamna a incerca sa ierti atunci cand alti cred ca nu exista iertare...
A fi puternic inseamna sa astepti un raspuns atunci cand altii nu mai asteapta nici un raspuns...
A fi puternic inseamna a ramane calm intr-un moment de disperare...
A fi puternic inseamna a arata bucurie chiar si atunci cand nu o simti...
A fi puternic , inseamna a zambi atunci cand vrei sa plangi... 

A fi puternic , inseamna a face pe cineva fericit chiar daca tu ai inima franta...
A fi puternic , inseamna sa taci atunci cand normal ar fi sa spui nelinistea ta...
A fi puternic , inseamna a consola pe cineva cand cel care are nevoie de consolare esti ... tu
A fi puternic , inseamna a avea incredere in cineva care nu pare de incredere...
De aceea , chiar daca viata ta pare destul de dificila si dura , a iubi inseamna a fi puternic ! 

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Legile entropiei

- Un om cu un singur ceas stie cit e ora. Un om cu doua ceasuri nu este sigur niciodata.

- Anticipari negative conduc la rezultate negative. Anticipari pozitive conduc la rezultate negative.

- Cind un lucru iese prost, orice incercare de a-l indrepta nu face decit sa-l strice si mai mult.

- Lucrurile se inrautatesc inainte de a se imbunatati.

- Lasate singure, lucrurile se desfasoara de la prost la mai prost.

- Orice lucru care incepe bine se sfirseste prost. Orice lucru care incepe prost se sfirseste si mai prost.

- Lucrurile incep sa mearga prost, toate deodata.

- Singurul mod de a descoperi limetele posibilului este de a trece in domeniul imposibilului.

- Anumite lucruri sint imposibil de cunoscut. Dar este imposibil de aflat care sint aceste lucruri.

- Universul este nu numai mai straniu si mai enigmatic decit ne imaginam, dar el este mai straniu si mai enigmatic decit ne putem imagina.

- Informatia se deformeaza cind trece spre nivelele ierarhice superioare.

- Intr-o intreprindere, confuzia creste odata cu nivelul ierarhic.

- Expansiunea inseamna complexitate, iar complexitatea conduce la dezagregare.

- Odata ce ai deschis o cutie cu rime, singura solutie de a le inchide din nou este sa folosesti o cutie mai mare.

- Pentru un biciclist, indiferent in ce directie o ia, va fi la deal si impotriva vintului.

- Dupa ce adaugi doua saptamini la termenul de predare a proiectului, datorita unor intirzieri neprevazute, mai adauga inca doua luni pentru intirzierile neprevazute care nu pot fi prevazute.

- Mai sigura este o pasare in mina decit una care zboara pe deasupra capului.

- Cu cit stirile proaste se transmit mai repede si mai detaliat, cu atit mai bine.

- Istoria nu se repeta, dar istoricii da.

Legile Relativitatii

- Chiar daca faptele sint rigide, adevarul este flexibil.

- Durata unui minut depinde de pozitia ta fata de usa de la baie.

- Durata unei casnicii este invers proportionala cu durata petrecerii de nunta.

- Daca pastrezi un lucru prea mult, il poti arunca. Daca arunci un lucru prea devreme, vei avea nevoie de el imediat ce l-ai dat la gunoi.

- Daca cumperi banane necoapte, ele vor fi mincate inainte de a se coace. Daca le cumperi coapte, ele se vor strica inainte de a se minca.

- Telefonul suna intotdeauna cind esti la baie, sau esti in fata usii de la intrare si iti cauti cheile ca sa descui usa.

- Cind formezi un numar gresit, nu suna niciodata ocupat.

- O jucarie care nu se sparge poate fi folosita la spartul altor jucarii.

- In America este important nu atit cit costa un obiect oarecare, ci cit de mult se poate economisi cumparindu-l.

- Opulenta de la intrare este invers proportionala cu solvabilitatea firmei.

- La coada cealalta se serveste mai repede decit la coada la care te-ai asezat.

- Nimic nu arata atit de frumos cind este privit de aproape, ca atunci cind este privit de departe.

- Intotdeauna ploua cind iti speli masina. Dar nu incerca sa speli masina ca sa ploua, ca nu merge.

- Intotdeauna este greseala partenerului.

- Este foarte simplu sa faci ceva complicat, dar este foarte complicat sa faci ceva simplu.

- Cind remediul oferit de minister nu se potriveste problemei ridicate, este mai usor sa schimbi datele problemei decit sa obtii un alt remediu.

- Orice solutie genereaza noi probleme.

- Locul in care ajungi depinde de scaunul pe care stai.

- Daca ajungi prea devreme, s-a aminat. Daca iti dai sufletul ca sa ajungi la timp, va trebui sa astepti. Daca intirzii, este prea tirziu.

- Daca te simti bine, nu-ti face griji. Vei trece peste asta.

- Zimbeste...miine va fi mai rau.
- Prima lege a managementului este ca exista.

- Cine detine aurul stabileste regulile.

- Cei ce au, primesc. Cei ce pot, fac. Cei ce nu pot, ii invata pe altii. Cei ce nu-i pot invata pe altii, administreaza.

- Indecizia este baza flexibilitatii.

- Orice este posibil daca nu stii despre ce vorbesti.

- Nu crea nici o problema pentru care nu ai nici un raspuns.

- Oricine poate lua o decizie daca are suficiente informatii. Un manager bun poate lua o decizie fara a avea informatii suficiente. Un manager perfect poate lua o decizie fara a avea nici un fel de informatii.

- Cind un manager vrea sa-si impresioneze subalternii cu detalii sofisticate, inseamna ca el a pierdut din vedere obiectivul final.

- Nu veni niciodata cu idei noi, care ti se pot da inapoi ca sarcini.

- Pentru fiecare viziune exista o contraviziune, la fel de atragatoare.

- Sedintele sint evenimente in care minutele conteaza, dar orele nu.

- Daca parasesti camera risti sa fii ales.

- Nu exista un moment mai prielnic ca acum, pentru a amina ceea ce nu vrei sa faci.

- Cu cit un plan este mai complicat si mai grandios, cu atit sansele lui de esec sint mai mari.

- Cu cit planifici mai bine un proiect, cu atit este mai mare riscul de confuzie, atunci cind ceva nu merge bine.

- Orice problema tehnica poate fi rezolvata daca sint destui bani si, respectiv, destul timp. Din pacate, nici una dintre cele doua cerinte nu poate fi indeplinita.

- Printre economisti, lumea reala este considerata adesea un caz special.

- Tehnologia este dominata de doua tipuri de oameni:
a) cei care inteleg ceea ce conduc;
:) cei care conduc ceea ce nu inteleg.

- Daca exista o cale de intirziere a unei decizii importante, un bun manager o va gasi.

- In orice intreprindere, munca se orienteaza spre nivelele cele mai de jos ale ierarhiei.

- Daca o idee a supravietuit unui sistem birocratic si a fost implementata, inseamna ca nu a fost deloc interesanta.

- In orice intreprindere exista o persoana care stie tot ce se intimpla aici. Aceasta persoana trebuie data afara.

- Mai usor sint recunoscute talentele din alta parte decit talentele din propria companie.

- Recrutarea personalului inseamna de multe ori triumful sperantei fata de experienta.

- Daca un subordonat iti pune o intrebare particulara, dar pertinenta, priveste la el de parca si-ar fi pierdut sensul realitatii. Cind isi va pleca ochii, parafrazeaza-i intrebarea.

- Gindeste inainte de a actiona.

- Este bine ca in afara biroului sa ai mersul grabit pentru a nu da prilejul subordonatilor sa-ti puna intrebari.

- Daca dai dispozitii, sa fie verbale. Cele scrise pot fi folosite mai tirziu impotriva ta.

- Un management bun este expresia unei mari idei.

- Schimbarea lucrurilor este o tema preferata a oricarei conduceri.

- Oricit de mult muncesti, niciodata nu faci destul. Ceea ce nu faci este intotdeauna mai important decit ceea ce faci.

- Cind esti in dubiu, murmura. Cind esti in dificultate, deleaga pe altcineva sa rezolve problema. Cind esti direct raspunzator, cintareste.

- Un plan bun astazi este mai necesar decit unul perfect miine.

- Daca o problema conduce la prea multe sedinte, atunci sedintele devin mai importante decit problema insasi.

- Atunci cind nu este necesar sa se ia o hotarire, este necesar sa nu se ia nici o hotarire.

- Daca nu-i poti convinge pe birocrati, atunci creeaza confuzie.

- Eficienta unei sedinte este invers proportionala cu numarul participantilor si cu timpul afectat.

- Durata unei sedinte creste cu patratul numarului de participanti.
- Timpul afectat fiecarei probleme de pe agenda sedintei va fi invers proportional cu importanta ei.

- Cu cit doresti mai putin sa faci parte din tot felul de comitete si comisii, cu atit vei fi rugat mai mult sa o faci.

- Timpul inseamna bani.

- Nu exista prinz gratuit.

- Cheltuielile tind sa creasca pina egalizeaza veniturile.

- Pentru saritura in inaltime este mai bine sa antrenezi un om care sare 2 m, decit doi oameni care sar fiecare 1 m.
- Chestiunile banale pot fi rezolvate destul de repede; chestiunile importante nu sint rezolvate niciodata.

- Rezolvarea a "n+1" probleme necesita un timp dublu fata de rezolvarea a "n" probleme.

- Rezolvarea a 90% dintr-o problema se face de obicei in 10% din timp, restul de 10% rezolvindu-se in 90% din timp.

- Nimic nu este imposibil pentru cel care nu trebuie sa le faca singur.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

I'll Never Forget

by Ashley Williams
I'll never forget the times we shared
And all the hardships we spared

The memories are forever lasting
In my heart buried with a golden casting

Ice pops, volleyball, and marry me ring pop
All important to me but I never realized to stop

I should have told you exactly how I felt
Every time you looked at me you made my heart melt

When I see you driving and cruising by
It makes me turn away and cry

Now I've completely lost you due to my non understanding parent
They'll never realize what they put in me rust, holes and dents

They didn't think twice and tore our love in half
If they only could have seen the way you make me laugh

It was you that made me happy, energetic and full of life
Now there's been an incision made with a sharp knife

I want things back to the way they used to be
Just the two of us you and me

I want us together so damn bad
It makes me full of anger and deeply mad

Please let there be one day we'll happily be together
Forever alone with just one another

The Pain Inside Me

by ~SeCrEtLy~wAiTiNg~
I write poetry to soothe my pain
Because all the world just seems the same
This twisting, burning, breaking
All because of one little game

What you said to me.
How you hurt me so.
The cut is just too deep.
Deepness scereing into my heart.

I want to know why...
This pain inside me,
Just will not stop.
The burning, breaking pain.

The cut you left is hard to heal
And i cant seem to stop the bleeding.
I hope you are happy now.
With the pain you made me feel.


by Fatin Hamamah
I used to love so much before
he's the one that i adore
but the ending,
is not what I've been expected for
knock! Knock! on the door
my heart won't open anymore.

I've groans and moans after all these years
I've to runaway from all those fears
hide my face away from my tears
its hurt so much to be this sincere

i tried to cover up all my pain
all i feel is much the same
for this emptiness running through my vein
cause me to live forever in vain

Friday, 15 October 2010

Amr Diab Allah Ala Hobak Enta عمرو دياب الله على حبك انت 2009

Allah 3ala 7obak enta
(Oh my God your love is beautiful)
maba7ebesh 3'erak enta
(I don't love anyone but you)
w edonia 3andy enta
(And the world is you for me)
w edonia 3aleek shwaya
(And the world isn't enough for you)

Allah 3ala 7obak enta
(Oh my God your love is beautiful)
maba7ebesh 3'erak enta
(I don't love anyone but you)
w edonia 3andy enta
(And the world is you for me)
w edonia 3aleek shwaya
(And the world isn't enough for you)

de7ket 3enak l3eny
(the smile of your eye to mine)
allah allah ya 3eny
(Oh my god, Oh my god it is beautiful)
men youm mashafetha 3eny
(Since the day my eye has seen her)
belf eldonia beya
(The world is spinning around me)

wa5ed 2alby b7anano
(Taking my heart with his love)
w ma7adesh 5ad makano
(And noone took his place)
w el sho2 w el 7ob bano
(And the passion and love has appeared)
fi elela el7elwa deya
(in that beautiful night)

Allah 3ala 7obak enta
(Oh my God your love is beautiful)
maba7ebesh 3'erak enta
(I don't love anyone but you)
w edonia 3andy enta
(And the world is you for me)
w edonia 3aleek shwaya
(And the world isn't enough for you)

3ashe2 soto w kalamo
(In love wit his voice and his worlds_
3ayesh 3ala a7lamo
(Living on his dreams)
ma3rafsh leeh 2odamo
(I don't know why in front of him)
belf eldonia beya
(The world is spinning around me)

Allah 3ala 7obak enta
(Oh my God your love is beautiful)
maba7ebesh 3'erak enta
(I don't love anyone but you)
w edonia 3andy enta
(And the world is you for me)
w edonia 3aleek shwaya
(And the world isn't enough for you)

de7ket 3enak l3eny
(the smile of your eye to mine)
allah allah ya 3eny
(Oh my god, Oh my god it is beautiful)
men youm mashafetha 3eny
(Since the day my eye has seen her)
belf eldonia beya
(The world is spinning around me)

Elissa Tesada Bemeen . English Translationاليسا تصدق بمين أوريجينال


tesada2 bemin?
Who Do You Believe In

b3edna w yadoub ma3adash youmen
we parted and barely two days have passed

w getlak 2awam w la2etak wa7eshny wa7shet snin
I came to you yo find I had missed you like years had gone by

tesada2 bemin?
Who do you believe in...

ana w alby kona mosh daryanin
my heart and I were unaware

mnen geena wala fen ro7na wala e7na shofna min
Where we had come from or gone to, or whom we had seen

tesada2 bemin
Who do you belive in

be mit alf 7aga mabena
There are a hundred thousand things between us...

mosh 7aga aw 7agten
not just one or two

w law nensa ba3d ana w enta men ba3d nrou7 feen
And if... we forget each other, you and I , where do we go to

da ana w kaman enta ana
For I am you and you are me,

w ka2enena wa7ed w kol el nas tendahlo b2esmen
as if we are one ,one that people call by two names

ma5abish 3alek
I tell you the truth;

da law youm ye3adi w ana w ben idek
every day that goes by with me in your arms

ysawi fe 3enaya 3a donya deya kaman donyeten
Is in my eyes the world and twice more

ma5abish 3alek
I tell you the truth;

maba7lamsh 3omry gher bas bik w wala ab2a ella lik
I never dream of anyone but you

w law de3t meny amout mareten
Yours I shall remain and if I lose you I will die twice

tesada2 bemin
Who Do You Believe In ?

بعدنا و يا دوب معداش يومين
و جتلك قوام لقيتك وحشنى وحشه سنين
تصدق بمين
انا و قلبى كنا مش دراينين
منين جينا ولا فين روحنا ولا احنا شوفنا مين
تصدق بمين
بميت الف حاجه ما بينا
مش حاجه او حاجتين
ولو ننسا بعض انا وانت من بعض نروح فين
ده انا انت و كمان انت انا
و كاننا واحد و كل الناس تندهله اتنين
مخبيش عليك
ده لو يوم يعدى و انا وبين اديك
يساوى فى عينيا على الدنيا ديه كمان دنيتين
مخبيش عليك
مبحلمش عمرى غير بس بيك و لا ابقى الا ليك
و لو ضعت منى اموت مرتيين